Inside Nuremberg Prison: Hitler's Henchmen Behind Bars & the German Jew【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
Inside Nuremberg Prison: Hitler's Henchmen Behind Bars & the German Jew"The only right way to punish these twenty-one defendants was to put them into the death camps and subject them to the same treatment they gave millions of others. But we couldn't do that as civilized people." Howard Triest Charts the extraordinary true story of Howard Triest, the only German-Jewish interpreter to work with the psychiatrists in the Nuremberg Prison during the trial. At the end of WW2, twenty-two surviving members of Hitler's government were behind bars in Nuremberg Prison, awaiting trial for their part in the most heinous crimes in history. Munich-born Howard Triest fled Nazi Germany on the eve of war. Four years later he landed on Omaha beach with invading American forces and served on the frontline all the way to the invasion of Germany. As he entered the country of his birth, he felt euphoric. But there was a special, painful task ahead for the man whom the Nazis once wanted to kill and whose family had disappeared in France in 1942. For twelve months Howard walked into the prison cells on a daily basis and sat within inches of Hitler's henchmen - the men who sent his parents to the gas chambers of Auschwitz. How did Howard react to being so close to pure evil? Seventy years later Howard is the only surviving witness to those prison interviews.Dimensions: 19.84 x 12.85 x 1.12 centimetres (0.21 kg)「これらの21人の被告を罰する唯一の正しい方法は、それらを死刑囚の収容所に入れ、何百万人もの人たちに与えたのと同じ扱いを受けることだった。
Howard Triest Howard Triestは、ニュルンベルク刑務所で精神科医と一緒に裁判中に働く唯一のドイツ・ユダヤ人通訳であるHoward Triestの実話を描いています。
Howardは純粋な悪にとても近いことにどのように反応しましたか? 70年後、ハワードは刑務所のインタビューに生き残った唯一の証人です。
寸法:19.84 x 12.85 x 1.12センチメートル(0.21 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。
- 商品価格:3,428円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0(5点満点)
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